We create disease in a holistic, multi-faceted way, so in the field of natural medicine we seek healing with our hearts and minds open to the many facets of life that led to our current state of health. Our symptoms, with the exception of those from accidents, inherent functional/structural issues and extreme environmental conditions, didn’t pop up out of nowhere and, although herbal medicine has much to offer for symptomatic relief, true herbalism works at this much deeper, systemic level.
As we delve into this deeper level of herbalism, it is good to remind ourselves that without the foundation of a healthy diet and lifestyle, there is only so much that one can accomplish with herbal medicine. Herbs will help, but they won’t be able to reverse the effects of poor dietary and lifestyle habits unless we are willing to change them.
The very first step that a natural health practitioner takes is to question, listen and learn about every facet of a client’s diet and lifestyle, not only in the present, but also in the past. In addition to their current symptoms one needs to have a full picture of how they live. What do they eat and drink? What are their sources of stress? Do they move and if so, how often and in what ways? How is their sleep? Do they hydrate? How is their personal hygiene and self care? How do they feel when they wake up in the morning? What are their sources of comfort and companionship? Are they lonely? What is their home environment like? What is their work environment like?
And another line of questioning focuses on body systems. All programmes must include recommendations that seek balance in the diet, emotional life and lifestyle of the client, and also bear in mind the dynamic effects of strengths and weaknesses within body systems. With this foundational support, herbs will be able to offer their greatest influence and benefits.
Herbs have been used as medicine for millennia. Before the early twentieth century, natural methods of curing people were common and since the late twentieth century more and more people have become disillusioned with Western medicine and are seeking natural ways to cure their ills, in fact many pharmaceuticals use derivatives of, or attempt to recreate in the lab, bioactive ingredients of natural plants, for example, aspirin is a derivative of salicylic acid, which as salicin occurs in the flower buds of meadowsweet and in the bark and leaves of several trees, notably the white willow.
We have everything available on this planet in nature to keep us well and to cure us from disease, by helping our bodies to heal. We just need to have the knowledge to know what to use, in what dosage and how to prepare it. Herbs often work synergistically ie their compound effect works better with other herbs, rather than sole herbs. This is why I often use the 'Herbs of Grace' Herbal Formulae. When creating Herbal Teas I'll usually combine many nutrient-rich and flavourful herbs. Each herb has many benefits and nutrients including antioxidants and phytonutrients which nourish our bodies, to support our organs and systems, reducing symptoms and enabling us to heal.
As a Herbal Medicine Therapist, I 'prescribe' Herbal Formulae and Herbal Teas, as well as individual herbs, based on an Iridology analysis and the results from Optimal Naturopathic Health and Nutrition Consultations.
All our herbs are organic, Herbs of Grace Formulae are put together by a Master Herbalist who is part of the British Herbal Medicine Association and the Unified Register of Herbal Practitioners. The herbs work best alongside changes to lifestyle and nutrition.
Please proceed with caution if pregnant and if taking pharmaceutical drugs, please check with your doctor before taking herbs.